Tuesday 06 February 2024
Susan Long – Maggie's
The information on this page will help you to find out more about being newly diagnosed with cancer. You can discover ways to cope with the emotions and practical issues this raises.
If you’re reading this, you may have just been told you have cancer. It can be a huge shock, and you may already be feeling a range of overwhelming emotions or feel numb, especially if the news is recent.
There are few scarier words than ‘you have cancer’ – even if you’ve been worrying about symptoms for a while. Logically, the fears are often unfounded – many cancers respond well to treatment . However, it is natural to feel worried.
The first few days and weeks of a cancer diagnosis can be bewildering. You may feel you’re getting too little information, or too much. As well as worrying about the cancer, and what it means for you, you may have many other things on your mind.
Cancer rarely arrives at a convenient time - life, work, school, college, families - all still may have demands on your time. Often there are practical concerns about your financial situation, and how you might manage - and the impact your cancer may have on those closest to you.
It can be helpful to seek advice, information and support, early on, to help you and your family feel more in control of the situation. You might want to ask questions, and work out how best to get through treatment, practically and emotionally. ²Ñ²¹²µ²µ¾±±ð’s has put together some tips to help you cope with your new diagnosis, in the days and weeks ahead.
Now is the time to look after your emotional wellbeing too.
It’s normal to feel anxious and upset when given a cancer diagnosis. Some people feel numb, and go into ‘autopilot’ - seeming to cope with everything from day one. There’s no right or wrong way to react, but if you find you’re not sleeping, have a loss of appetite and the anxiety is overwhelming, do let someone know. Talking through your feelings with your doctor can help.
If you’re waiting for treatment to start and you have symptoms which are getting worse, or new problems which may be related to your cancer - tell your healthcare team. Sometimes the symptoms may be nothing to worry about, and not cancer related, but it is wise to check it out.
Have a look at our blogs and links on this page to find out more about coping with a new cancer diagnosis.
Check through any paperwork you’ve been given by the hospital, and if anything isn’t clear, do ask for further information.
Talk with others about what you are experiencing. It can help to hear that what you’re feeling is not unusual, and help you feel less alone. Call into your local ²Ñ²¹²µ²µ¾±±ð’s to talk to cancer support specialists and connect with others in a similar position to yourself.
Last review: Nov 2021 | Next review: Nov 2022
Information about some of the emotions you may have when you have cancer, who you can talk to and how you can help yourself.
From Cancer Research UK (CRUK)
Last reviewed: 25 November 2021
Learn more about the feelings experienced when faced with a diagnosis of cancer.
From National Cancer Institute (US)
Last reviewed: 25 November 2021
Discover the feelings you may experience when dealing with a cancer diagnosis, and where to access help and support.
From Macmillan Cancer Support
Last reviewed: 25 November 2021
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