Thursday 24 May 2018
Susan Long – Maggie's
Cancer and its treatment can affect appetite and your ability to eat well.
On this page, you can find out more about eating well before, during and after cancer treatment and how ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë can help.
Having cancer and having treatment can affect appetite and our ability to eat well. You may be struggling to eat, putting on or losing weight or simply want to improve your diet.
There may be times when you don’t feel hungry, especially if you’re stressed, and you may be being given lots of conflicting advice and information about nutrition.
Having cancer can change nutritional needs – you may find that some medications such as hormone therapy, steroids, etc, can add to weight gain. Enforced periods of inactivity whilst tired from treatment, and well meaning gifts of comfort food can be a problem.
You may find that food tastes different. Feeling sick, stress and anxiety, and bowel changes all affect appetite.
Much of a healthy diet has a high fibre content, just at the point when for some, a low residue diet is recommended.
For some people, weight loss is the issue, with treatment side effects and the cancer itself affecting appetite - using up calories when you don’t feel up to eating.
Having cancer may make you look at the things we can do to help ourselves - including nutrition.
It's important that you get the nutritional advice that's right for you
There's a lot of information written about cancer and nutrition and you may find you’re being given different and conflicting advice.
Many websites advertise expensive supplements or a range of diets other people follow and the information can feel overwhelming.
Your healthcare team may suggest specific medical diets because of the type of cancer or treatment you have. They may also recommend you see a dietician in the hospital.
At ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë we have nutritional therapists who can talk to you about your needs. Many of our centres also run workshops where you can learn more about eating well when you have cancer.
If you or someone you care about has a cancer diagnosis, you may be wondering what can be done to help keep as well as possible. Eating healthily can be a useful first step. It helps maintain general physical well being – and can be something positive to do for yourself as you deal with the cancer.
It’s often small, basic steps which can help, without putting too much pressure on you at a stressful time. There are good reasons why eating well helps during cancer and its treatment:
It can help to think of five basic food groups – vegetables and fruit, protein, whole grains, milk and dairy, and fats and oils. Eating a wide variety of foods, particularly vegetables, helps us get the daily nutrients we need.
Occasional treats are still something to look forward to – cutting down on sugar, salt and alcohol is advisable, but you still need to spoil yourself now and again.
If you’re living with advanced cancer, it may be difficult, physically and emotionally, to eat. Appetite may be reduced, and the weight loss you may experience can be a reminder of the effect cancer is having on you.
Having a cancer diagnosis often prompts us to look at the things we can do to help ourselves - including nutrition. Many of you reading this may already be eating a healthy diet. For others it can be a time for looking at the foods you eat and identifying any changes you can make.
There is an overwhelming amount of information available on nutrition and eating well through cancer. You may be bombarded by well meaning advice on an array of alternative, restrictive diets and be getting conflicting messages. Here are some tips to help with your concerns about eating well:
If you find you are losing weight rapidly, have a poor appetite, or having difficulty eating - do tell your doctor. They may refer you to a dietitian, prescribe some supplementary nutrition in liquid form or medication to stimulate appetite. They can also check out what is causing the symptoms.
If anything about your eating or drinking is affecting your mood - adding to symptoms of anxiety and depression, speak to your healthcare team. Food is an emotive subject, and it can sometimes become a focus of tension and worry.
By now you will have realised that this is a huge subject, and knowing where to start can feel daunting.
Have a look at our blogs and links on this page to find out more about eating well during and after cancer treatment.
Talk with others about the questions you may have. It can help to hear that what you’re feeling is not unusual, and can help you feel less alone.
Call into your local Maggie’s centre to talk to our professional teams and connect with others in a similar position to yourself.
Last review: Dec 2021 | Next review: Dec 2022
A selection of useful resources to help support health eating and manage difficulties with eating when you have cancer.
From Penny Brohn UK
Last reviewed: 09 December 2021
Cancer and cancer treatment can cause eating problems. This can include changes in appetite or weight, or other side effects that make it hard to eat.
From American Cancer Society
Last reviewed: 09 December 2021
How to cope with eating and drinking difficulties that some people with cancer have including as weight loss or difficulty swallowing, what causes them and how to manage them.
From Cancer Research UK (CRUK)
Last reviewed: 09 December 2021
Find out more about nutrition following a diagnosis of cancer.
From National Cancer Institute (US)
Last reviewed: 09 December 2021
Tips on getting started with exercise and finding local activities.
From Macmillan Cancer Support
Last reviewed: 09 December 2021
From American Cancer Society
Last reviewed: 27 September 2023
A website discussing (with references) supplements for improved mental health and wellbeing.
From Cognitune
Last reviewed: 09 December 2021
Some cancer treatments, side effects or even lifestyle changes can cause you to gain or lose weight.
From Macmillan Cancer Support
Last reviewed: 11 January 2022
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