If you or someone you love has cancer you may have lots of questions, like how your treatment may make you feel, if it will affect how you look, or what to do if you have any financial worries.
The professional staff in our centres are here to help.

Cancer Support Specialists
Our Cancer Support Specialists are experienced oncology nurses, radiographers and other healthcare professionals.
They are here to listen to how you're feeling, answer any questions you may have and guide you to the right information.
You don't need an appointment or referral, just come in.
If things are getting on top of you, if you're scared, worried or feeling down, we're here.
You can see one of our psychologists in private, in a group or with your family.
Benefits Advisors
Our Benefits Advisors can tell you what you're entitled to and help with practical things like parking permits and extra money you may be able to claim.
We'll help you to fill out all the necessary forms, support you through the application process and can even put everything in the post for you.
Sessional staff
We also work with experts who provide exercise groups, yoga, nutrition advice and much more.